Bacterial DNA Test & Periodontal Disease by Dr. William Hoisington


Dr. Hoisington & Dr. MicholtSince periodontal disease is a bacterial infection, it is very important to know which bacteria are present before treatment begins. Using the Bacterial DNA test, we are able to identify exactly which bacteria are causing the infection. In the majority of cases, the DNA test will reveal that the type of bacteria that are present in the gums can be eliminated without the use of antibiotics (see the BOST section for more details on the treatment). In these cases, it is preferable to avoid antibiotics in order to prevent a drop in the immune system. However, some species of bacteria cannot be permanently eliminated using the treatment alone.

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) are aggressive species of bacteria that fall under this category (see the complete list of periodontal pathogens at the bottom of the page). If the test shows that these bacteria are present, then appropriate antibiotics are added to the treatment in order to produce complete healing.


Bacterial DNA testing is based on the fact that each strain of bacteria has a specific “fingerprint” of genetic material. This fingerprint can then be analyzed in a laboratory to establish which species of bacteria are present in the infection. Compared to culturing the bacteria, Bacterial DNA testing offers much greater accuracy as well as reduced cost.


William Hoisington, D.D.S. in the center for cardiology in Antwerp, Belgium Administering the DNA test is a quick, safe, and painless process. Four tiny paper points are placed under the gums for a period of 15 seconds. This is long enough to collect disease causing bacteria from under the gums. These bacteria thrive in the plaque–otherwise known as biofilm–that covers the tooth roots down to the attachment level. Once they are removed, the paper points are packaged and sent to the laboratory where the bacterial DNA will be analyzed to reveal which types of bacteria are present. The test results are then e-mailed back to the dentist in about 10 days.


There are two methods of obtaining the DNA test.

Through your local dentist. Click here to send an // AirPerio DNA Test Request .

The test only costs $125.

For more information, please visit

> Bio Continued: AirPerio’s guiding principle is that the body is capable of remarkable feats of healing if the right conditions are established. The name of our initial treatment, Tri-Immuno-Phasic Periodontal Therapy (TIP), reflected the importance of the immune system throughout the healing process. AirPerio aims to minimize antibiotics and invasive surgery as much as possible. Instead, using the latest technology, we are able to treat the infection without requiring surgical incisions or causing additional damage to healthy tissue. To learn more about this, please visit the BOST section of the site.

There are currently 5 dentists who have completed the rigorous training program offered by Dr. Hoisington to obtain the certificate of competence in BOST therapy.

They are: Dr. Julia Grebneva, Russia Dr. Yvan Micholt, Belgium Dr. Jean Michel Pelé, France Dr. Martin Toelken, Belgium Dr. Didier Hugot, Bouzigues, France

Dentists wishing to pursue the course of study to obtain certification are invited to contact Dr. Hoisington .

by Dr. William Hoisington
AirPerio is the fruit of 20 years of research and development from over 2,500 periodontal cases. AirPerio is a multidisciplinary group that employs technology from dentistry, medicine, basic science, and psychology. This group was created by Dr. William Hoisington of Seattle in 1986. AirPerio now includes three components that form the complete treatment. These are the Bacterial DNA test, the BOST Treatment, and the Oral Hygiene Kit. Together, these components are used to correctly diagnose periodontal problems, treat them effectively, and maintain adequate oral hygiene after the treatment. More continued below.