Equinisitic Healing Certification by Liz Mitten Ryan
“For all of you who have known a calling to connect on levels that have long been forgotten, for those who catch glimpses of a time when we all walked and talked with God and all creation, when you connect with animals and all of nature, and for those who understand that our consciousness is all we can be forever, the experience is here.
We are offering a new therapy that heals the therapist, the patient, and the animals assisting in the healing.
When you touch the ALL (the animals term for God) it is all given; oneness, connection and healing.
On 320 acre Gateway 2 Ranch in the interior grasslands of British Columbia, the horses have a special job as teachers and healers. The ranch offers E.A.R.T.H. (Equine Assisted Re-connective Therapy and Healing) programs to participants who come from all over the world to manifest their heart’s desires and a oneness connection to the land and the animals that has long been forgotten by the human mass-mind consciousness and their race to consume and achieve. The program recreates the experience of en-lighten-ment found when we re-connect to our inner child; our true essence, and re-discover our lifeline to the ALL. Imagine a land where love is the guiding principle, where one’s consciousness and connection is the ultimate goal. A land where miracles are commonplace and spontaneous healings and a clear understanding of one’s life journey are natural occurrences.
Gateway 2 Ranch in British Columbia, Canada is home to crystals, vortexes, and natural flora and fauna as well as author Liz Mitten Ryan,(mother of six, grandmother of seven) her husband, and their sixteen horses, dogs, cats and Tesoro the steer. In this pristine setting, all things properly align for the highest earthly vision human beings can possibly experience.
Here, the free-roaming herd shares the barn/house with Liz and Kevin. Born to this paradise, the horses are loved and treated as family. Indeed, the animals of Gateway 2 Ranch have co-authored Liz’s four award-winning books. As a result, visitors come from around the world to seek the healing connection with higher consciousness this land and animals facilitate. They stay in wall tents and the Spirit Lodge in rustic yet very comfortable surroundings, and share vegetarian and organic meals prepared by a gourmet chef. In company with the animals and walking the land they experience a long forgotten connection with all of creation, learn shamanic rituals and reclaim their power as wise spiritual beings in the company of spiritual equals.
In the pristine grassland, lakes, and forests of Gateway, the horses interact at liberty, visiting and communicating with amazed participants, sharing their healing gifts and teaching the subjects of truth and intuitive connection. Playing and riding is all done at liberty or with halters, bareback pads and treeless saddles. Horses (and all animals) resonate at a higher vibration than humans and act as tuning forks raising vibration to levels where we can connect with higher consciousness and the spiritual realms. As a result of this many participants experience spontaneous connection and healings. All return home forever changed on the path to realizing their heart’s desires.
This summer, at the E.A.R.T.H. Workshops we are offering a Certification Course for practitioners who would like to take their horse therapy programs to a new level. With the herd at liberty to interact with participants we are finding that healing is exponential and miracles are commonplace. The pre-requisite for the course is a certificate in energy work (Healing Touch, Reiki, etc.) and apprenticeship is completed at a regular E.A.R.T.H. Workshop with 20 hours of practicum at another E.A.R.T.H. Workshop or similar situation.”
Details can be found on site at: www.equinisity.com Please e-mail liz@lizmittenryan.com
Please visit www.equinisity.com to view the trailer for EQUINISITY (a 3 Disc DVD movie of real footage from the workshops) and to book your life changing E.A.R.T.H. workshop or apply for our Equinistic Healing Certification programs.
You can find Equinistry on Facebook!
Hope…From The Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness By Kathy Pike>
Horse Rescue, Relief and Retirement Fund, Inc.
Riding Into Your Mythic Life: Transformational Adventures With The Horse by Patricia Broersma
Heart Connections and the Healing Power of Horses by Bonnie Treece
Merlian News Podcast Interviews Susan A. Deren Susan is an animal communicator with over thirty years of experience working with animals. She utilizes a technique she developed, Behavioral Intuitive Assessment®, to assess the problem and recommend a solution. Her clients span this country and abroad. Susan’s work with animals is an extension of the intuitive work she does with humans as a psychic and medium.