Golden Temple : Kundalini Yoga in Katonah, NY by Dena Ventrudo
***image1***Practicing Kundalini Yoga can increase vitality, keep the body in shape, and train the mind to be strong and flexible when faced with stress and change. It can strengthen the nervous system, balance the glandular system, and enhance creative potential.
Through yogic breathing techniques and meditation, anyone can obtain peace of mind, giving an experience of self-confidence and deep inner calm.
Robin Miller is the owner and director of Golden Temple Yoga Studio. Rai Kaur is her spiritual name, meaing “Princess of the Lord of Divinity”. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Registered Yoga Teacher (R.Y.T.) and has a certificate from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Wellness Counseling and Bodymind Consciousness. Rai Kaur plans on completing a Masters in Counseling Psychology.
“She is a committed seeker of truth, her teaching approach is based on personal experience as well as the utmost integrity, commitment and heart.” ( #)
***image2***All classes at the Golden Temple, located at 223 Katonah Ave, Katonah , NY, are multi-level and suitable for beginners. Classes vary in degree of challenge and Yogi tea is served after all classes. Sound of celestial gong is used during deep relaxation. Classes are 90 minutes long and are offered in a series format.
Private consultations, Individualized Custom Classes, and Personal Sadhana with the Golden Temple Staff are available.
***image3***To contact Golden Temple visit
Call (914)232.3473
Or visit Golden Temple
223 Katonah Ave.
Katonah, NY 10536