International Day of Peace
***image2***I was happy to be a part of this world wide meditation on the 25th July. It was a rare event in the world. You can go to Holistic USA to find out more about international Peace Day.
James Twyman had done a lot of work to bring this special day as prophesied by the Mayan calendar to the public’s attention and should be commended for this. He is the writer of several books and has travelled vast distances to promote peace in the world.
July 25, 2004 was cited as the international Day of Peace in which meditations and prayers throughout the world will be conducted, in accordance with the prophesy of the ancient Mayan calendar which notes July 25th as the “Day Out of Time” with the 13th Moon and 28th Day in position. The Mayan prophesy states July 25th was the start of a new age, leading humanity toward the higher consciousness of complete forgiveness, freedom and a celebration of natural time which will reach its zenith in the year 2012.
Please check my Holistic USA section for information on the “Day in Time” conference which took place in Ashland, Oregon, July 23-25, 2004.
***image1***Several internationally known speakers and authors including James Twyman, Neale Donald Walsh and Barbara Marx Hubbard were on hand to explain the significance of the Mayan prophesy.
I am sure this was a very interesting weekend. I am just sorry I was not be able to attend this event personally. However, our international Day of Peace (July 25th) or the “Day Out of Time” as the Mayans call it, was honored by many of us wishing to help bring the planet to a higher consciousness with personal mediation and prayer where ever we were on that day.
MerlianNews, with its affiliation with PS Magazine conducted a joint mediation session on both sides of the Atlantic, that day. Please visit PS Magazine for the latest information on festivities taking place at London honoring the international Day of Peace.