Glaucoma: An Integrative Medical Approach by Dr. Marc Grossman, OD, LAc (chronic open angle) is the most common form of glaucoma, and is an insidious disease that can be difficult to detect until a significant amount of vision is lost. The reason it is so dangerous is that most people with glaucoma have no symptoms. Many feel no pain, and most have 20/20 visual acuity, although possibly only straight-ahead vision. But left untreated, glaucoma can slowly steal your peripheral vision until you think you’re peering through a tunnel (at best) or until you go blind (at worst). Most frightening, 70 per cent of the vision lost to glaucoma occurs before the diagnosis.

Open angle glaucoma is a chronic form of the disease that represents the majority of glaucoma cases. As many as 15 million Americans may have chronic glaucoma. Only about half of people with glaucoma are ever diagnosed with the disease. Of those, almost 2 million suffer loss of vision, and more than a quarter of a million are blind in one eye. Glaucoma costs more than 2.5 billion dollars each year to treat. These numbers will increase as the baby boomer generation ages.

Integrative Medical Approach


Studies indicate that people with glaucoma can reduce their eye pressure by five to seven millimeters of mercury (mm/Hg) with an improved diet and supplement program, a reduction as good as or better than achieved with drugs. In general, a diet high in beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and selenium is recommended. Foods containing those nutrients include garlic, onions, beans, spinach, celery, turnips, yellow and orange vegetables, green leafy vegetables, seaweed, apples, oranges and tomatoes.

In addition, drinking lots of water helps maintain the flow of nutrients to the eye and drain metabolic wastes and toxins from eye tissues. Optimally, you should drink 16 four-ounce glasses of water per day, every half-hour. Our bloodstream can only handle being diluted by about four ounces at any one time. When you drink more than four ounces at a time, this means more work for the kidneys to filter water that hasn’t had a chance to travel through the lymph system and clean body tissues. Avoid carbonated, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages since they can actually dehydrate eye tissues.  Your optimal water intake depends upon your  particular physiology, diet, climate and physical activity.  Too much water intake can reduce blood salt levels  (hyponatremai) and cause cells to flood.  A good way to gauge if you are properly hydrated is by the color of your urine.   If it it dark yellow, then you are dehydrated and need to drink more water.  If your urine is as clear as water, then you have over-hydrated and should cut back intake.

Food sensitivities and allergies

Research into the effects of food allergies on glaucoma reveals that the disease is not sim- ply related to inner eye pressure but to a complex interaction of biophysical and biochemical factors. A study of 113 patients with simple chronic open-angle glaucoma showed an immediate increase in eye pressure when they were exposed to foods to which they were allergic.

One study showed that removing allergens from the diet led to improvement comparable  to treatment with drugs and surgery or drugs alone. In one case, eye pressure was controlled and vision actually improved once the exposure to food allergens was eliminated.

Evidence also exists that glutamate, which is an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, contributes to glaucoma, so it is best to avoid any foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG). asapartame.  Free forms of glutamate (unbound to other amino acids) causes glutamate concentrations to rise quickly in the blood.  Free glutamate is found in nearly all processed or packaged foods.  Currently, genetic predisposition to glutamate sensitivity is being investigated.   Normally glutamate in food is bound to other amino acids and therefore after ingestion,  is slowly processed and abosrbed into the bloodstream.  Free glutamate is similar to eating simple sugar.  The time from ingestion to absorption is much faster.   The brain is protected by the Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) but this breaks down after head injury, or low blood sugar.

Research has also shown that glaucoma is closely related to those with diabetes and hypertension, indicating a link to circulation and possibly inflammation. In a 2011 study, researchers examined medical records of over 2 million people older than 40 who were enrolled in a U.S. managed care network. Both conditions were shown to increase the risk of glaucoma by 48% .The study results showed a 35% increased risk in people with diabetes of developing open angle glaucoma and a 17% increased risk in those with hypertension.

According to a study of 12,376 participants from the CDC’s 2002 National Health Interview Survey, an association has also been drawn between thyroid disease and glaucoma. Researchers found that the prevalence of glaucoma was almost double in people with thyroid problems versus those without thyroid problems.

Other risk factors include ongoing use of corticosteroids, including corticosteroid-containing eye drops for reducing eye inflammation and inhalers for treating asthma, low levels of physical activity (Yip 2011), family history, and can be secondary to the other eye conditions such corneal pathology, pseudophakia,  aphakia, neovascular glaucoma, and uveitis.

Computer Use and Glaucoma

Spending too much time looking at a computer screen may raise your risk of the vision-robbing eye disease glaucoma, particularly if you’re nearsighted, according to a new Japanese study. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that ultimately cause damage to the optic nerve. It can lead to blindness if not treated. Heavy computer users who were farsighted or nearsighted seemed to have a higher risk for visual field abnormalities, say the researchers.

To help reduce the effect of chronic computer use, take regular breaks at least every hour to relax the eyes and do some eye exercises

In a 2004 cross-section study, the scientists screened 10,202 randomly selected Japanese employees (programmers, software engineers, gamers) with a mean age of 43.2 using a portable instrument called a Frequency Doubling Technology Perimeter (FDT) that analyzed whether there is a loss of visual field and which is used for detecting  Of that group, one third were found to have glaucoma. Even more significant was that heavy computer users who were farsighted (presbyopia)or nearsighted (myopia) seemed to have a higher risk. Nearsightedness was found in 82% of those with glaucoma. Source: Possible association between heavy computer users & glaucomatous visual field abnormalities: a cross sectional study in Japanese workers,

Glaucoma  nutritional protocol

  • Vitamin A 5000 i.u.
  • Beta carotene 15,000 i.u.
  • Vitamin c 2000 mg
  • Co enzyme Q 10 100 mg
  • Coleus 200 mg
  • Bilberry 200 mg
  • Grape seed extract 200 mg
  • Ginkgo biloba 120 mg
  • Omega 3 oils 1000 mg
  • Omega 6 oils 1000 mg
  • Alpha lipoic acid 150 mg

Juicing recipe

Celery, cucumber, carrots, radish, parsley, turnip, beets, raspberries, cabbage, apple, plums (not too much fruit).


Marc Grossman, Doctor of Optometry and New York State Licensed Acupuncturist is author of several books, including Natural Eye Care – Your Guide to Healthy Vision.  Since 1980 Dr. Marc Grossman has helped many people maintain healthy vision and even improve eyesight. He is best described as a Holistic Eye Doctor, dedicated to helping people with such conditions ranging from myopia and dry eyes to potentially vision threatening diseases as macular degeneration and glaucoma. His combined multi-disciplinary approach using nutrition, eye exercises, lifestyle changes and Chinese Medicine provides him with a wide array of tools and approaches to tackle difficult eye problems. Dr. Grossman founded the Rye Learning Center in 1980, a multidisciplinary center for learning problems, in 1996 co-founded Integral Health Associates in New Paltz, New York, and in 1999 co-founded Natural Eye Care, Inc. For more information go to or call 845-255-3728.

Top Tips for Helping Dry Eyes by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

The innermost layer of the surface of the eye is an aqueous mucous layer that forms the bulk of the tears, and contains electrolytes, a variety of proteins, and water. This layer is vital to a stable ocular surface, since it allows the tear film to actually adhere to the eye. Workers spending the most time on the computer have the lowest concentrations of an essential component of the mucous layer of the tear film, mucin 5AC, which contributes to their dry eye syndrome.

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Bumps & Lumps of the Eye (Styes & Chalazion): An Integrative Medical Approach

A stye is an infection of the eyelid caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. It tends to be smaller and more superficial than a meibomian gland abscess (chalazion). A stye can result in swelling on the inside or outside of the eyelid or cause a general eyelid inflammation. If the external portion of the eyelid is swollen, the stye involves inflammation of a hair follicle and its associated glands. Swelling on the underside of the eyelid involves the oil glands (meibomian glands). The swelling increases for about a week or so and then generally begins to subside, sometimes rupturing.

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Integrative Vision Care & Nutrition by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

Mind/Body medicine is based on the fact that our health and well-being depend on all the individual parts to work together effectively. So it should come as no surprise that healthy eyesight is also dependent upon our total well-being, which is affected by our genetic makeup, the food we eat, our work environment and exposure to airborne toxins, as well as our general belief systems about ourselves and the world we live in.

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Bumps on the Eyes: Home Remedies by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

A chalazion (sha-LAY-zee-on), is a cyst-like bump in the upper or lower eyelid due to a blocked meibomian (mī-ˈbō-mē-ən) gland. While chalazia (plural) and styes can look similar, they have different causes and characteristics. Styes (also called hordeolum), like chalazia, are characterized by a blocked oil gland; however, unlike chalazia, styes are caused by bacterial infections. This means that they almost always involve redness and soreness, and localized swelling in the eye, which is not typically the case with chalazia.

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The Zoom Epidemic by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

What is the most common theme among everyone today from students, gas station attendants, doctors, teachers, family gatherings, etc? They are all on their computers or phones as a way to connect with each other. Here are ways to help reduce some of the negative effects that your omputer /cell phones can have on you…

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Acupressure Exercises for Better Eye Health by Marc Grossman OD, LAc

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A New Look at Eye Exams by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

Getting a thorough eye exam has always been about more than reading letters off an eye chart. That’s even more true today. One reason: We’re harder on our eyes than ever before. Many of us spend hours each day staring and squinting at screens, developing digital eyestrain and exposing our eyes to potentially damaging blue light. But the typical tests offered during a standard eye exam, even one during which your pupils are dilated, may not go far enough to find problems as early as possible.

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Surviving & Thriving in a Technological World by Marc Grossman OD, LAc

Technology impacts and shapes our lives in countless ways. Our technologies surely bestow benefits, but our relationship to technology is often fraught with imbalance. In particular, our vision suffers from the hours we gaze at two dimensional screens. The good news is that, as part of the brain, our eyes share in our brain’s innate adaptability. The not so great news is that modern demands on vision, especially our constant focus on close-up screens, is causing our eyes to make unhealthy adaptations. But there’s more good news—you can do something about that! Here’s how…

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Cataracts: an Integrative Medical Approach, Part One by Marc Grossman, OD, LAc

The holistic and Eastern Medicine approach seeks to look at each person as a unique individual so treatment strategies can often vary from person to person even with the same diagnosis. By combining the medical approaches of the East and West along with other alternative health modalities, we may be able to achieve better health with less cost and greater success in helping patients preserve vision.

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