Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Priceless Treasure
Traditional Chinese Medicine – A Priceless Treasure from Traditional Chinese medicine includes herbs, acupuncture, qi energy and physiology, oriental medicine, and more
TCM is a complete system of medicine. Simply put, it treats what ails human beings. From pain of any kind through stomach and intestinal disorders to mental health, cancer, diabetes, and nervous system disorders Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine treats it. Oriental Medicine is surpisingly inexpensive to deliver and requires no special environment. It does very well with many conditions western medicine does not.
TCM is the original holistic medicine. It’s models of human function and dysfunction, diagnosis, and treatment methods offer a wealth of tools to regain, attain, and maitain health. Simply put, it treats what ails humankind and is a complete system of medicine. From pain of any kind through stomach and intestinal disorders to mental health, cancer, diabetes, and nervous system disorders, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine treats it. Oriental Medicine is extremely inexpensive to deliver and requires no special environment. It does very well with many conditions western medicine does not. Integrating it into health care sytems along side of western medicine will reduce the overall cost of health care dramatically.
Consider one of the most common work injuries – low back sprain or damage to the soft and bony tissues of the low back. It’s also often used in combination with western medicine as in the case of acupuncture anesthesia to enable cataract surgery. There are hybrid treatments combining both TCM and western medicine.
In the 20th century Oriental Medicine serves almost two billion people in far east Asia, the former Soviet Union and Europe. Modern style research on Oriental Medicine has been continual in China since the early 1950’s. After the civil war was settled in 1948, the Communist Government of China realized it could not afford to train, let alone equip, a sufficient number of allopathic doctors to meet the needs of the country’s population. The government evaluation of the traditional medicine showed that it had enough effectiveness to warrant not only active use and perpetuation but development. Today Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is practiced in allopathic hospitals, in traditional hospitals, in conjunction with allopathic medicine, and hybrids of both forms of medicine have been developed.
In the U.S. forty-some states have scope of practice for NCCAOM National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or equivalent level practitioners. There are approximately 30,000 NCCA national board certified acupuncturists in the country. Since several states have licensure requirements and processes that are independent of the NCCA exhaustive totals have not been compiled and the actual number is quite a bit higher.
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