Tarot for Self-transformation by Sahar Huneidi-Palmer

Tarot for Self-transformation is a wonderfully concise guide to learning the Tarot.  Sahar Huneidi-Palmer’s many years of studying, coaching, and  giving readings for others shine through this book, and we reap the benefits of her learning. Through examples and exercises, the author really shows how it is possible to turn imagination into intuition to transform and craft the life that you want.

Tarot for Self-transformation is beautifully illustrated, inviting the reader to linger over the images and reflect over their meaning. Using simple exercises, Sahar teaches us how to use our fascination with the images and our imagination to open up to our own inner guidance to interpret the cards. There are concise depictions of the role and symbolism of each card, as well as modern takes on each ancient symbol.

Throughout the book the author builds our understanding layer by layer, from the Major Arcana through the importance of the numerology of the minor cards. What could be daunting for the beginner is made easy, and the reader is rewarded with growing confidence in their own skills at working with the cards. Tarot for Self-transformation will amply repay reading and re-reading several times.

The Story of Gaia by Jude Currivan, Ph.D.

Gaia is a quiet powerhouse of research and consciousness. Jude Currivan’s premise, that the earth is a sentient, evolving being that has been supporting and participating in our own human evolution for thousands of years, is luminous in scope and hopeful in its message for navigating these changeable times.

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A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife

I first came across Victor and Wendy Zammit’s website, The Afterlife Report, around June of 2015. Since that time, I have looked forward with great excitement every week to the latest newsletter. Something always captures my attention from the mix of articles, interviews, videos, and book reviews, and I learn something new each week. I can’t count how many times that I’ve “lost” an hour because I clicked on one or more links in the newsletter!

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Are You Breathing Correctly?

Breathing can be trained for both positive and negative influences on health. Chronic stress can lead to a restriction of the connective and muscular tissue in the chest resulting in a decrease range of motion of the chest wall. Due to rapid more shallow breathing, the chest does not expand as much as it would with slower deeper breaths and much of the air exchange occurs at the top of the lung tissue towards the head. This results in “chest breathing.”

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