Cooking Quinoa: Easy Quick and Simple Quinoa Recipe

Makes 4 – 6 Servings. You’ll need a 2 quart pot with a tight fitting lid, and a fine mesh strainer.

Image result for quinoaIngredients: 1 cup quinoa 1 1/2 cups cold water Optional: 1/2 tsp salt Quinoa Cooking Directions: Soak the quinoa for 15 min – 1/2 hour in it’s cooking pot. Soaking helps quinoa to cook evenly, and loosens up the outer coating of saponin, which can give a bitter taste if not removed. If you don’t have time for a longer soaking, use hot water and soak for five minutes To Rinse: Stir the quinoa with your hand, and carefully pour off the rinsing water, using a fine mesh strainer at the last Drain quinoa well in the strainer, transfer to the cooking pot, add 1 1/2 cups water & 1/2 tsp salt if desired Bring to a boil, cover with a tight fitting lid, and turn the heat down to simmer Cook for 15 minutes Remove quinoa from heat and allow to sit five minutes with the lid on Fluff quinoa gently with a fork and serve

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With the most complete nutrition and highest protein content of any grain, quinoa is an ideal food for vegetarians and vegans, a good source of vitamins and minerals - iron, magnesium, Vit E, potassium, amino acids, and fiber. Quinoa is delicious by itself, and in a variety of recipes - spicy vegetarian soup or stew, stir-fries, pilafs, or salads.