Lilou Mace: “Juicy Living” Web and YouTube Host

Lilou Macé is a French-American author, webTV host and international Internet video blogger with over 24-million video views and the co-founder of a global Internet community: The 100-Day Reality Challenge at .

“International Internet Lilou Mace, author of “I Lost My Job and I Liked It, believes in the Law of Attraction (as revealed in The Secret) and that we can create anything we want using the power of our thoughts. Drawn to the USA from France, she used this law to co-found the ‘100-Day Reality Challenge’ community, to build a following of thousands of YouTubers, and to ‘manifest’ a meeting with Oprah Winfrey, someone she greatly admires without wishing to copy.”

Lilou’s Youtube videos (over 2,000 videos) document her participation in life on her world tour of interviews called the Juicy Living Tour and the 100-Day Reality Challenge , as well as features world famous authors, speakers, artists, entrepreneurs that Lilou qualifies as ‘Juicy’. These guests present their thoughts and message in a fun, educational and inspiring format. Her international guests includes Dr Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, Neal Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Gary Zukav, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Carl Calleman, James Redfield, Lynne mcTaggart, Derek Mills, Caroline Myss, Barbara Marx Hubbard, John Gray, Sonia Choquette, Mooji, Marci Shimoff, Pr Bill Tiller, Foster Gamble, Dr Joan Borysenko, Dr John Demartini, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Drunvalo Melchiezedek, Gay Hendricks, Amma, Panache Desai, Don Miguel Ruiz, Debbie Ford and many many more.

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by Staff