Soular Astrology personal consultations with Dr Jude Currivan

Soular Astrology personal consultations with Dr Jude Currivan by telephone or skype

The astrological influences of our solar system have been studied for millennia to understand how they impact us. Now as our collective Shift of consciousness accelerates and we expand our awareness through the portal of the universal heart of the 8th chakra, we are realizing that our solar system is actually a soular system — a group soul of which we are a part.

A personal astrological consultation with me aims to offer you deep and empowering insights and understanding as to how these soul-ar energies are uniquely embodied within your personality and behavior patterns and how they influence your soul purpose in this life.

And by working with the transpersonal energies and awareness of the 8th chakra of the universal heart, you will be enabled to attune and align yourself with their cosmic flow that guides and supports your highest purpose and which is fundamental to how you experience your life.

You can choose one of two types of consultation:

A Natal reading based on your birth chart and providing you with an in-depth understanding of your personality, past life roles, current life purpose, behavior patterns and healing potential.

A Transit reading providing an in-depth understanding of the soul-ar influences that are affecting you currently and over the coming twelve months and how they relate to your life purpose.

Consultations either by phone or skype last 60 minutes and you can book an appointment by emailing me or calling +44 (0)1793 739176.

I will respond to you via my private email for us to confirm:

* A consultation date and time to suit you,

* Whether we’ll speak by telephone or skype and for you to provide me with the appropriate landline number or skype address for me to call

* Your place, date and as accurate a birth time as possible.

Once your booking and details are confirmed, I’ll request payment which you can then pay online and securely by paypal in either US dollars, £ sterling or euros.

Also prior to your appointment I’ll prepare and review your astrological chart so that we can fully utilize the consultation time .

The fully inclusive cost covers:

* My preparation and review of your astrological chart

* My calling you wherever you are in the world

* 60 minute consultation time

* An mp3 recording of the consultation which I will email you

* A copy of your chart which I will email you

For more information, for rates, or to contact Jude, go to:

by Dr Jude Currivan
Dr Jude Currivan PhD is a cosmologist, planetary healer, international award-winning Hay House author, visionary and educator. Jude is also the author of The Wave, (O Books 2005), The 8th Chakra (Hay House 2006), CosMos — a co-creator’s guide to the whole-world (Hay House 2008) co-authored with Dr Ervin Laszlo, and Heart, Mind and Purpose (Hay House 2008) a double CD of her teachings and attunements. Her latest book HOPE - Healing Our People & Earth was published by Hay House 4th July 2011.