Fire in the Heart: A Spiritual Guide for Teens by Deepak Chopra

Written as a story about what a fifteen-year-old boy learns from a wise old man, Chopra tackles big philosophical questions in an uncomplicated way — without talking down to teens. The old man leads the boy on a four-day adventure filled with all kinds of surprises that result in an understanding about spirituality. Each day focuses on a specific question: Do I have a soul? How do wishes come true? What is the supreme force in the universe? How can I change the world? “There will always be burning questions in life, but these four remain special because they start a spark, and from that spark you will have a fire in your heart. That fire will make you live your life with excitement and passion.”

In dealing with these questions, he addresses issues that are of great importance during the teen-aged years such as attraction, fitting in, self-awareness, and direction. Fire in the Heart guides readers to look at things differently, including themselves and the world around them. “Spirituality is about a new way of seeing and a new way of being.” Chopra teaches teens how to discover and believe in “an invisible something” inside: the soul. “Other terms have come down through the ages: spirit, God, the divine spark, the breath of life. Often I use the word essence.” He points out that discovery of this essence leads to the way of the heart, “the natural home of spirit.”

Growing up is hard — so many decisions to make every day. Fire in the Heart assures readers that they can find the answers they’re seeking by getting out of their own way. “You don’t have to fight and struggle for everything. You can trust that you will always find a way. You can be at peace that whatever comes to you is right.” At a time when teens (and adults, too, for that matter) often feel disconnected, Chopra leads them on a journey to realize their connection to everything and find happiness. “Stay connected to your soul and you will find, step by step, that you are being led to your deepest desires.”

He also helps readers embrace their uniqueness — “Your soul knowledge applies to you alone, not to anyone else.” By accepting themselves, he explains, they can avoid judgment and jealousy of others “because your soul is helping you to assemble a life that no one else will lead but you.”

Chopra effectively illustrates how to achieve awareness and direction by being an observer. Through engaging stories, he shows readers how to open their eyes and look deeper to find the “precious jewel” of spirit. He provides suggestions on just how to do this every day. A section of “A-ha moments” at the end includes simple ways “to see yourself as you never have before — as someone who has the same power and vision of your soul.”

This little book answers big questions in a way that teens will relate to and understand. It will help readers find their spirit — their essence — as “the surprise you never expected.” I highly recommend Fire in the Hear: A Spiritual Guide for Teens for teenagers and anyone who has teenagers in their life.

Donna Baker Church is a freelance writer and editor. Donna may be reached at .

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by Donna Baker Church
Deepak Chopra has gained worldwide acclaim as a teacher and writer in fields as diverse as mind-body medicine, Ayurveda, the nature of God, and the path to success. Time magazine called him one of the one hundred icons of the twentieth century, “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.” The author of more than thirty-five books and one hundred audio, video, and CD_ROM titles, Dr. Chopra has been published on every continent in dozens of languages. More than twenty million copies of his books have been sold worldwide. He is the founder of the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California.