LESS: Accomplishing More by Doing Less by Marc Lesser

LESS: Accomplishing More by Doing Less by Marc Lesser A certain kind of busyness, says Marc Lesser, is crucial to life, allowing us to earn a living, create art, achieve academic successs, and become leaders. But too often, busyness consumes us and we become crazy busy, nonstop busy, 24/7 busy, and we end up expending extra effort that gets us nowhere.

Less is about the benefits of doing less in a world that has embraced more- more desire, more activity, more things, and more exhaustion. It’s about stopping, about the possibility of finding composure in the midst of activity, about the power of accomplishing more by doing less. The ideas, practices, and programs Lesser outlines offer a radical yet simple self-nurturing approach that is more productive in every sense.

For more information, please visit www.newworldlibrary.com , www.zbaassociates.com or www.accomplishingmorebydoingless.com

by Monique Muhlenkamp, New World Library
Marc Lesser has been practicing and studying Zen for thirty years and is a Zen priest in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi. Marc was a resident of the San Francisco Zen Center for ten years and in 1983 served as director of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He was founder and CEO of Brush Dance and is currently the president of ZBA Associates, a company offering coaching and consulting services in the business and not-for-profit communities. He lives in northern California. His websites are www.zbaassociates.com or www.accomplishingmorebydoingless.com.