Mister Ego and the Bubble of Love by Amber Hinton, Illustrated by Gabreyhl Zintoll

Mister Ego and the Bubble of Love by Amber Hinton, Illustrated by Gabreyhl ZintollMister Ego and the Bubble of Love is simply wonderful! This children’s book will resonate with all the parents who have been touched by Eckhart Tolle’s books. If you’ve been looking for a way to help guide your child along his or her soul’s journey, then this book has a lot to offer.

The themes in Mister Ego and the Bubble of Love are the same as in Tolle’s The Power of Now, A New Earth, or his own newest book for children, Milton’s Secret. The art of staying present and overcoming the pull of the ego have now been encapsulated in the simplest language that any child (or, for that matter, many adults) can understand. There has been a real need for this kind of book for children — a fact that the publisher addresses at the beginning of the book.

Amber Hinton explains the themes of presence and ego in a lovely and whimsical manner, perfectly suited to a child. One finds oneself sympathizing with the main character in his frustration, anger and sadness, and no doubt children will identify with him as well. Hinton captures perfectly the swift mood swings of a young child and uses that understanding to good effect as she conveys important concepts in clear, simple language. Mister Ego and the Bubble of Love is written with a light touch, and is full of humor and joy.

The illustrations, by Gabreyhl Zintoll, are perfect, and jewel-like in their color and power to captivate the eye. Children and adults both will be drawn into the vibrant and magical illustrations, and enjoy searching out the many hidden gems in each picture. There is a real flow and beauty to Zintoll’s art that perfectly highlights the mood of the main character, and his changing view of the world. Milton’s Secret by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S. Friedman Illustrated by Frank Riccio

For more information, please visit www.namastepublishing.com

December 2008 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Happy Holidays from everyone at Merlian News! Make sure you don’t miss what’s new on MerlianNews.com! This month there’s a podcast with Annette Martin, book reviews, how to beat the holiday blues, and more! And be sure to check December’s website of the month, at the end of the newsletter!

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The Breath of Life by Molly Rice

This is a powerful exercise, and when accompanied with color therapy, aroma therapy, and mediation, brings one to a deeper, clearer place of realization of all that is. Assists us in connecting with the Divine, that is already with-in our beings. With the crisp air of the winter mornings and evenings enjoy your breath. Enjoy breathing deeply and smelling the scents of earth, and sometimes even heaven. So it is with love I offer the following words below,for you to ponder and enjoy…

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Merlian News Podcasts with Annette Martin

In this podcast Annette Martin discusses with Merryn Jose what the Gift of the White Light means to her. How her work with the FBI and police first came into being through a startling experience whilst taking a yoga class. Annette also talks about her ability to diagnose illnesses since childhood. This innate gift blossomed into her becoming an accurate ‘medical intuitive’ later in life with the help of the late Edgar Cayce. Annette Martin has psychically counseled corporate as well as private clients; demonstrated her ability to psychically diagnose illness and disease before countless physicians; performed what some have regarded as miraculous healings; works as a Psychic Detective with her partner retired Lt. Chuck Seymour, in assisting law enforcement agencies under the name of Closure4U Investigations, participated in some of America’s most sensational ghost busting cases, and much more.

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Medium, Roland M. Comtois on YouTube.com!

Roland M. Comtois, a Rhode Island native is widely known locally and abroad as a Spiritual Medium and Channel, who channels the world beyond. His “Messages for the Soul” audiences have reached the tens of thousands across the miles. He is the founder of the “Inspiration” Foundation and “I Believe” publication which goal is to inspire and empower others through love and compasson. .. Roland’s spiritual journey includes a strong spiritual connection to angels, heavenly beings and loved ones who have passed over.

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Break-Down or Break-Through? by Eliza Mada Dalian

| by Eliza Mada Dalian

A time of crises is a blessed time because it offers us two choices; we can either hold on to the old falling structure and continue living in fear and anxiety about tomorrow, or take advantage of the opportunity to look inside and courageously find new ways of living and interacting with each other and the world around us.”

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The Miracle Oil: Secrets of Edgar Cayce’s Palma Christi Revealed by David E. Kukor

“The Miracle Oil is a compilation of more than fifty years’ research on this amazing, all-natural remedy, part of Cayce’s CARE approach to wellness: Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation, and Elimination. Using passages from Edgar Cayce’s readings and actual accounts of patients who have successfully used the oil for various treatments, this book is a thorough guide to the application of castor oil…” In this book David Kukor has taken the time to gather over 100 conditions where the use of castor oil has relieved or cured the problem completely. This book is definitely highly recommended for anyone interested in natural healing.

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Milton’s Secret by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S. Friedman Illustrated by Frank Riccio

| by Cheryl Shainmark

This could be a great stocking stuffer for any child on your holiday list this year. If you’re the kind of parent that has been venturing on your own spiritual journey, then consider what a leg up you’d have had if someone had explained these concepts to you when you were little. But even if you don’t have a child, do yourself the favor and read Milton’s Secret — the best secret about this book is that it’s going to be a hit with adults, too!

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Return from Ecuador by Lynn Twist

The Ecuadorian people under the leadership of President Rafael Correa, resoundingly approved a new constitution on September 28th. One of the most miraculous clauses gives LEGAL RIGHTS TO NATURE. No other country in the world has taken this bold stand. Indigenous people have always held that nature has rights. To see this worldview made manifest in constitutional law is a truly historic moment – and a profound legal precedent for the world.

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Awaken Higher Awareness Through Self-Observation by Guy Finley

There is no greater power for self-change than self-observation because this new inner-vision alone can provide you with true self-knowledge. Being self-liberated is the same as living fully from your Higher Nature. In this lofty state you enjoy the freedom that comes with having let go of your false self. This Higher Nature rests above you. Join it. Let it guide you all the way back to your true home within yourself.”

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