A New Way to be Human by Robert V. Taylor
“Throughout the years I’ve admired Robert’s compassionate ministry of God’s love and hope and the integrity of his life and leadership over many decades. It is a joy to see that authenticity revealed in these pages… It is a humdinger of a book!” — Desmond M. Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
A New Way to Be Human is an invaluable, relevant guide for the individual intent on transforming their life, revolutionizing our society, and polishing our world–for those who seek:
An impactful life of meaning and purpose, love and hope, compassion and delight. Courage to cross the boundaries of religion and move beyond the demonizing debates about gender equality and human sexuality. Spiritual wisdom discovered in the many forms and disguises of the Holy
By identifying seven pivotal, universally recognizable life occurrences as spiritual Pathways, the book meets the reader where they are and connects them to actionable, personal spiritual practices.
Review by Chris Glaser:
Robert V. Taylor’s riveting personal story and the stories he relates of others converge on the challenge to discover A New Way to Be Human, using 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive. Against the odds–spine surgery as a youth, antiâ€apartheid activist, selfâ€exile from his native South Africa–Taylor becomes a priest whose coming out as gay prevents an opportunity to serve as a bishop but provides yet another opportunity to become fully alive! Thankfully, the friendship and inspiration of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace prize honoree, encourages Taylor to reject “victimhood” and embrace a winner’s attitude. Taylor’s philosophy grows from his life experiences and that of many others whose stories, deftly woven together, “coach” readers in overcoming adversity with grace and arriving at our destiny with dignity.
Along the way, Taylor dispenses fresh spiritual gems, such as “polishing the world,”using our “spiritual positioning system,” explaining we are made not only in the “image of God but also the imagination of God.” Each spiritual pathway has three specific “stepping stones”–concrete spiritual steps toward becoming fully who you are. This book is like having your own spiritual director at the ready to lead you, one who is kind, empathetic, and experienced. Refreshingly, this guide is not “religious” nor for a particular religious group; it is written for all who are interested in a spiritual path that fully embraces life.
â€Chris Glaser, author of The Final Deadline: What Death Has Taught Me about Life. He blogs at www.chrisglaser.blogspot.com.
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