Merlian News May 2022 Newsletter
Dear Readers: Here’s a quick round up of some of our favorite articles from this month! As always, we look forward to presenting you with up to date news and information about holistic events, health and well being from both the scientific and the spiritual perspectives, nutrition, vegan lifestyles, and more.
This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:
Merryn’s Musings by Merryn Jose
Eating for Beauty
Increasingly, we know that you are what you eat, and that true health starts with the content and quality of that food — whether it’s organic, or overly sugared and processed, a “Superfood” or a raw diet, each affects the way you look and feel. One of my favorite beauty nutrition books is “Eating For Beauty” by David Wolfe– a raw food enthusiast. It is beautifully illustrated, and is laid out in an easy to read format.
Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
Mediterranean Lentils: a Tasty Way to Get Your Protein
Inspired by a recipe from Diane Kochilas, the Greek-American food show host and cookbook author, this is one of my favorite vegetarian options for loading up on protein. Mediterranean lentils combine the warm spices of cumin and coriander with a surprising burst of vinegar and honey to create a tasty main dish that can be eaten hot or at room temperature. Cooked in two stages, on the stove and in the oven, this dish hearkens back to the ancient traditions of clay pot cooking practiced all around the Mediterranean for thousands of years.
Plants Use Sound Waves to Communicate with Each Other
A study published in BMC Ecology shows that plants can communicate with each other using “nano-mechanical” sound waves. They use these signals to encourage each other to grow, and to keep track of where spatially another plant may need room. The sound vibrations signal the other plant where they are and to grow accordingly.
Animal World
Animal Spirituality by Marc Bekoff, Ph.D.
Do animals have spiritual experiences? Yes they do! We’re not the only spiritual beings says Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. in Animal Emotions. In conjunction with Psychology Today blogger, Steven Kotler, Marc writes, “I’ve been pondering whether nonhuman animals (“animals”) have spiritual experiences and are they religious?”
Website of the Month
Dowsing the Conscious Cosmos by Tim Walter
Tim Walter writes on “Dowsing seems to be the easiest way to literally access part of the quantum layer of existence in our realities. The picture int his article was taken by NASA astronauts Scott Kelly and Tim Peake from the space station in January 2016. Most of us aren’t lucky enough to witness the amazing visual display of the aurora during our lives let alone such a dramatic display from such a remarkable viewpoint. It’s a heart-stopping and lump-in-the-throat inducing image.”
Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support!
Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor