Merlian News Podcast Interviews with Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf
Merryn Jose has had the honor of interviewing Native American Elder, Spiritual Warrior Woman, Healer, Teacher, Visionary, & Ceremonialist, Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf!
To download and listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE . Please give it a moment to load.
“Oh Shinnah’s teachers have been Elders of both North and South America. From her father’s people she inherits the traditions of the Tineh (the Shishindi, meaning People of the Forest, commonly known as Apache) From her mother’s people she inherits the traditions of the Mohawk and the Scots. From her great-grandmother she inherits traditions which may be older then time. Oh Shinnah is an elder of much Wisdom, and a warrior for the People of the Earth Mother, who is guaranteed to change your life.”
For more information on Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf, visit her website at