Organic Compost Center Proposed for Greenburgh, NY

Greenburgh , NY officials are looking into designating park area into organic composting site. The Town proposal aims to reduce waste by as much as 30% and save taxpayers money. The Town Board met this week to discuss changing the Landmark property to a designated recycling and compost center. From the Town website: “…If the Landmark creates an organic recycling compost site on their property for their tenants it could generate significant momentum that could encourage more organic recycling throughout Westchester! If schools encourage source separation–if major land owners encourage their tenants to source separate –if major businesses and governments do the same —we will be able to REDUCE our waste and save significant taxpayer dollars. Recycling “green” waste into compost helps to reduce landfill and return valuable nutrients to the soil. This in turn leads to healthier plants and reduces or eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers and supplements. Healthier plants and lawns are better able to resist insects and disease, reducing the need for pesticides. This could be exciting news for town residents and taxpayers and a great step forward in making Westchester healthier and greener!

by Staff