Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Describe their Experiences

I’ve been reading Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Describe Their Experiences, edited by neuroscientist Marjorie Woollacott and David Lorimer,  and published last year. In this book 57 scientists and academics discuss how their experience of spiritual awakening transformed their philosophical world-view and perception of reality. From the website we read: In the essays these scholars share the experience of their own spiritual journey, including a description of their spiritually transforming experience(s), which culminated in both an internal shift in their worldview and an outer shift in their lived lives.

I have found that many of their stories validate my own experiences over the years. This in itself is a profound revelation for me, as I have had these events all my life, but found so few people, apart from my clairvoyant mother, Maureen Treanor, who also experienced these on a regular basis, with whom I could share. Reading the amazing stories of Amit Goswami, Jude Currivan, Stephen A. Schwartz, Steve Taylor and Frederico Faggin felt both inspiring and wonderful, as was finding a group of like minded individuals who were brave enough to discuss their deeply personal stories. As one scientist said, “It is time to come out.”

This is a must read for anyone who has had these kind of transformative experiences and felt alone or invalidated. There is definitely an awakening of human consciousness at this time, and we should encourage each other to share what has happened to us. Years ago doctors would consider these to be psychotic experiences, that needed to be suppressed with drugs or even going so far as to institutionalize “the patient.” Fortunately, now there is more awareness of Eastern traditions and how they handle spiritual events, as well as increased scientific research that indicates there is still much we need to learn about consciousness and the universe around us. As more people come forward with their own transformative events, scientists may gain new data and insight into the sources of these experiences, and those of us who have had such occurrences will no longer fear ridicule or feel isolated.

See also www.galileocommission.org

Super Natural Family International Cookbook by Nancy Mehagian

The Super Natural Family International Cookbook is a thoughtful compendium of kid-friendly recipes from around the world. Nancy Mehagian, the author of two prior award winning books – the culinary memoir Siren’s Feast: An Edible Odyssey, and the Supernatural Kids Cookbook – has knocked it out of the park again with her newest effort. Families and kids are going to love these recipes.

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Q&A with Scott Stabile, Author of Enough as You Are

In a world dominated by the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, author Scott Stabile’s new book Enough as You Are offers a refreshing perspective on self-acceptance by empowering readers to find contentment in their inherent worth. We hope you’ll enjoy this Q&A with Scott about the book.

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Coyote Wisdom: The Power of Story in Healing by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona

| by Cheryl Shainmark

According to the author, we each contain our own hidden wisdom for how to change or heal, but it is the healer’s job to pull that knowledge out. The right story challenges our hidden assumptions, (that change is not possible, or that there is no way out or only one way out), by presenting us with new possibilities. Mehl-Madrona says that stories are alchemy — if we hear enough stories about transformation then we can’t help but transform. This is powerful stuff, as is the idea that biology follows context — and Coyote Wisdom is a beautiful and powerful book.”

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Three Minutes a Day by Richard Dixey

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Three Minutes a Day is one of the best meditation books to come along in years. Author Richard Dixey has written a real how-to manual for anyone who wants to start meditating. Not only that, he outlines in clear, simple terms how the reader can gain all the wisdom and benefits of a meditative practice with just a few minutes daily investment of time. Repeat that three minutes every day for several weeks, and before you know it you are a meditator, capable of achieving clarity, growth, and insight.

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The Reasoning of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Professor Song Xuan Ke

The Reasoning of Traditional Chinese Medicine is intended as an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for students, practitioners, or lay people with a general interest in Chinese medicine. It provides a clear and compact delivery of TCM’s reasoning, philosophy, theory, and treatment principles. The text is accompanied by clear and bold graphical illustrations to allow for an easier understanding.

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Try Not To Hold It Against Me by Julian Schlossberg

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Reading Try Not To Hold It Against Me is like attending a master class in show business. This memoir, by Julian Schlossberg, is loaded with funny and moving anecdotes following his sixty year career as a producer, director, network executive and radio show host. The author, who has worn many hats over the years – including working on movies, Broadway shows, film distribution, television, and more – offers an engaging and impressive breadth of knowledge covering many aspects of the field of entertainment.

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Mastering Life: Rosicrucian & Magical Techniques for Achieving Your Life Goals – Part Two

| by Peter Gruenewald

Spiritual symbols are images of hidden spiritual processes, conditions and forces that relate to spiritual beings such as elementary beings, hierarchies of angels or even the being of Christ. When we connect with these symbols through meditation, we effectively open ourselves and merge with those spiritual forces associated with these spiritual beings.

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Mastering Life: Rosicrucian & Magical Techniques for Achieving Your Life Goals – Part One

Using magical symbols for the achievement of goals and success is not only empowering but also fraught with risks. It should therefore be practiced with caution. A magical mastery of life needs to go hand in hand with mastery over oneself as well, including personal moral development. Exerting power without enlightened moral development can easily lead to an abyss of abuse and destruction. However, these risks should not hold us back from seeking to master ourselves and life, in close connection with those spirits that serve the ascendance of humanity.

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Tarot for Self-transformation by Sahar Huneidi-Palmer

Tarot for Self-transformation is a wonderfully concise guide to learning the Tarot.  Sahar Huneidi-Palmer’s many years of studying, coaching, and giving readings for others shine through this book, and we reap the benefits of her learning. Through examples and exercises, the author really shows how it is possible to turn imagination into intuition to transform and craft the life that you want.

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