Merlian News Podcast Interview with Lynne McTaggart: Part 2

Lynne McTaggart is the author of five books, including The Intention Experiment and the international bestseller The Field . She also runs worldwide Living The Field master classes and groups which are designed to help people adapt the ideas of the new scientific paradigm into their everyday lives, She was featured in the wildly successful cult classic movie What The Bleep!? Down The Rabbit Hole . And has become an international spokesperson on alternatives to conventional medicine.

In this interview, Lynne McTaggart further discusses Merryn Jose her latest book the Intention Experiment as well as:

Cleve Backster’s experiments with plants The study of monks and consciousness Intentional thoughts and increased performance in athletes and much more!

To download and listen to the Podcast, CLICK HERE

The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart


The Power Of One

| by Sahar Huneidi

Getting it right: making changes can be a challenge and sometimes just downright stressful. Sahar Huneidi tells us how changing just one thing can make a huge difference.

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Merlian News Podcasts with Dr. Jude Currivan On ‘The 8th Chakra’

In this Podcast, Dr. Currivan discusses with Merryn Jose her most recent book, The 8th Chakra. Dr. Currivan is a scientist, healer, sensitive and cosmic geomancer with a lifetime’s study of consciousness and metaphysics. She holds a PhD in Cognitive Archaeology and a Masters Degree in Physics. Dr. Currivan has als o worked with and learned from the elders and shamans of many wisdom traditions and is the author of two books The Wave , and her latest title, The 8th Chakra.

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April Questions & Answers with Ravi Singh & Ana Brett

| by Ravi Singh & Ana Brett

What Kundalini actually does is make us more us, which manifests as the health and focused creativity which is our birthright. What pulls us away from our practice is our previous conditioning, our mind’s habit of looking outward for fulfillment. People feel that before they can settle down and be true to themselves, they have to get that one thing first, a bigger house, fame, their soul mate, six pack abs etc. The irony is that when we look inside and stay true to who we are, blessings come to us.

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Meditation and the Psychic Senses: The Keys to the Universe By Stephen Thomson

| by Stephen Thomson

I have had countless experiences over the years of first-hand communion with a number of spiritual Masters. Although I may have held a deep desire in my heart to have such an experience, it was never anything I was consciously working on creating. In truth I am a very skeptical person and each time I have had an experience, my nature has required me to work hard on integrating the event and not discarding it as never happening.

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20 Simple Steps To Fight Global Warming by Environmental Defense Action Fund

| by Environmental Defense Action Fund

“According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the early effects of global warming are happening faster than most expected and we could cross dangerous tipping points if emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue unabated. But the IPCC report suggests the sooner we act, the lower the risk will be for crossing the line where catastrophic changes become irreversible.” IPCC Report Highlights Urgent Need for Congress to Put a Cap on Carbon Pollution, April 6th, 2007.

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Spiritual Centers & Shops on the West Coast

Centers & Shops within the west coast United States, embodying Eastern philosophies, in addition to stillness of the mind. Shops include Self-Realization Fellowship, Vedanta Society of Southern California, Zen Center of Los Angeles, Zen Center of Orange County, TriYoga Malibu Center, Khandakapala Buddhist Center, Bodhi Tree and many more!

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April 2007 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn Jose & Team

April showers bring May flowers, and many new articles from Merlian News! This month’s newsletter shares with you new Podcasts with Lynne McTaggart, David L. Cunningham, and Master Stephen Co. Also we have articles by Sahar Huneidi, a sneak peak at Heather Cumming & Karen Leffler’s book on John of God, as well as three book reviews. Merlian News has the latest on Star Vision’s Spring Schedule and much more! So make sure you get out of that rain and take a look at this month’s Merlian Newsletter!

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Filed Under:

John of God The Brazilian Healer Who’s Touched the Lives of Millions by Heather Cumming and Karen Leffler

| by News Release

In this first authorized personal portrayal John of God: The Brazilian Healer Who’s Touched the Lives of Millions, John of God’s translator Heather Cumming and photographer Karen Leffler bring you inside the Casa de Dom Inácio and into John of God’s personal life. The authors retell the story of how João de Deus, an uneducated tailor, embarked upon his life of service at age 16 after being visited by a vision of Saint Rita of Cascia. John of God, a full trance-medium, leaves his body in trust to the care of disembodied spirits called Entities, all of whom were remarkable people in their own lifetimes. These include King Solomon, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and Doctors Augusto de Almeida and Oswaldo Cruz.

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The Andean Codex by Dr. J.E. Williams

| by Cheryl Shainmark

The Andean Codex is an exhilarating first hand account of one man’s shamanic journey in Peru — written with warmth, simplicity and an eye for detail — the author fully captures the beauty of the sacred sites and the wisdom of the indigenous people with whom he trained. Loaded with spiritual and ethical guidelines from a culture that pre-dates the Incans, this book is a must read for anyone who is concerned about their own spiritual journey, or the environmental and ecological issues facing us now.

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