Using Hypnosis To Capture “The Muse”: How To Enhance Creativity, Overcome “Writer’s Block” And Other Artistic Issues by Cheryl Shainmark

One of the oldest, most fascinating riddles for mankind is our impulse to create. Where does inspiration for the writer, the singer, or the dancer really come from? If this is the oldest question, then the second oldest question may be “What do you do when it stops?” When the muse has departed or seems to be in hiding then surprisingly enough, hypnosis may be the way to woo her back.

For those who are unfamiliar with how hypnosis works, or who have only seen stage shows, it may come as a surprise to learn that there is more to it than amusing an audience or using it to shed weight or quit smoking. Modern hypnosis is used to help clients with any positive changes that they wish to make, or in this case, to overcome any blocks or issues that are problematic. Briefly, the point of using hypnotism is to quiet the conscious mind enough to get to the subconscious mind — once you’ve done that, you can use the altered trance state to either put in the suggestions that you want, or to get out the information that will help you.

As a practicing hypnotherapist I have treated a variety of artists — writers, dancers, painters and singers — who have come to me because they have reached an impasse. This may manifest as a “block”, or the feeling that the “joy has gone out of it,” or the sense that his or her work has “plateaued” or become stale. While each artist’s individual problems and circumstances are unique there are some commonalties in what each person faces, and in the solutions that we reach with hypnosis.

First, I make sure that the artist is not in need of a good long vacation — it may be pointing out the obvious, but if he or she feels as if they are grinding away, then further grinding is not going to make it better. But once we’ve determined that this is not the case, then we get to it. The second thing to look at is mental and emotional “housecleaning” — we all know you can’t fit new clothes into your closet until you clean out and throw away some of the old stuff. Frequently, the writer or artist is clinging to the old stuff out of habit or fear of the new — but I ask them how can you have any new successes if you are still holding on to the old ones?

This does not mean throwing the baby out with the bath-water… one does not have to lose the mastery of the old form or all one’s hard-earned skills. Instead, I have the client go through a variety of exercises to determine what to save and what to let go of. This may include identifying and recreating the peak “flow” state, working in a related but different media, (writing fiction if you’re a non-fiction writer or vice-versa, dancing or singing outside your usual musical inclinations, etc.), or doing something completely unrelated to their usual field. In this case we are not concerned with the quality of the piece, but in getting the “creative juices” stimulated and flowing again.

Other exercises that hypnosis is perfect for include identifying and healing old emotional issues if they are causing a problem, whether that problem is manifesting as “writer’s block” or for performers, a constriction in the muscles, throat or breathing. This is when you use the trance-state to get out the information that the client needs. One of the other things we may work on is the behavioral component. For example, if an artist knows that he or she does their best writing or rehearsing in the early morning and yet the night before eats a heavy dinner and/or too much alcohol — then that person has consciously or unconsciously sabotaged the next day’s efforts. Artists need to identify and eliminate the bad habits that de-rail them and undermine their goals. This is where we use the hypnotic state to put in the suggestions and affirmations for building good habits.

The bad news is that there is no avoiding or going around the impasse, the client must go through it — and wooing the muse can take some effort. The good news is that capturing the muse pays-off handsomely, and the artist’s hard-won depth of experience and fresh perspective directly translate into new depths and perspectives in their work. This, in turn, may herald new successes and greater accomplishments. If you are feeling stymied or sense that you are ready for the next level of performance in your field, look into using hypnosis to reach your goals.

For additional information and a calendar of events, please call (914) 241-3689 or visit .

Cosmos and Psyche — Intimations of a New World View by Richard Tarnas

| by Cheryl Shainmark

This book is about astrology, but as the author says, “not the astrology of the fortune teller and the newspaper columns.This is not about cheap predictions of the future or personal zodiac signs. Instead, this is about planets and the fascinating archetypal patterns that emerge as each planet shifts into and out of alignment. Tarnas has taken astrology to a new height — to a cosmology — a new method of understanding the universe.”

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June 2006 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn Jose & Team

This June brings us many interesting and must read articles including those authored by Broadway and film producer, Julian Schlossberg, the latest environmental discovery, book reviews on Dreaming True by Robert Moss, God Among Us by Caroline Cory, and Guided by the Moon: Living in Harmony with the Lunar Cycles, and much more.

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Gut Instincts, by Sahar Huneidi

| by Sahar Huneidi

“Science increasingly reveals that the body (through a multitude of sensory network) feeds information ‘upwards’ to the brain; accordingly, the then brain sends ‘instructions’ downwards to various cells glands and organs. This is why our feelings can directly influence our well-being. ”

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The Hidden Power of the Heart: Achieving Balance and Fulfillment in a Stressful World by Sara Paddison

| by Donna Baker Church

Blending personal experiences, work with others, and research in this field, Paddison covers a range of mind stretching topics including dimensional shifts, DNA blueprints, and holographic awareness. She explains how real love — including love, appreciation, forgiveness, and care – can change your life, as well as others. She states, “Heart power is simply the electricity of your inner strength and potential. It’s what gives you the self-motivated ability to manifest and complete your goals — to empower yourself and achieve balance and fulfillment even in today’s increasingly stressful world.”

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Dreaming True By Robert Moss

| by Eugene Kelly

Dreaming True is a compilation of experiences and advice designed to assist you through your dreams so you might find their relevance in waking life and act on them. From historical figures to personal friends, Robert Moss explains how dreams have helped people avoid injury, progress in the workplace, change history and more. From the Underground Railroad to the driver’s seat of your car, a dream is waiting to tell you more.

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Restaurant Review by Heather Flournoy

| by Heather Flournoy

The chef’s are friendly, informative and offer samples from the display case at the front of the restaurant. You can’t call it a ‘cooking’ area because everything at Bonobo’s is raw! We tried their “signature” Red Pepper-Coconut Soup, and it is absolutely delicious!”

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Neck and Throat Issues – June

| by Ravi Singh & Ana Brett

Stress often causes our shoulders to creep up. We become like a turtle retreating into its shell. The shoulders need to be anchored down to support our neck gracefully. Sleeping on too firm pillows, and/or constantly bending our heads forward to peer at a computer or television screen, eventually stresses the neck.

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Easy Harmony, by Sahar Huneidi

| by Sahar Huneidi

Finding harmony isn’t always easy but Sahar Huneidi guides toward easily achieving this elusive spiritual goal in everyday life: “As we get fixated on our desires, the angst is prolonged. Yet, by learning to see things in a different way, we can begin to understand how to create more harmony and fewer disappointments.”

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On Water Alone by Dena Ventrudo

| by Dena Ventrudo

Denny Klein has found a way to power his car on water. This new technology, that he originally created for welding, is now the future for fueling cars and other pollutant machines. “It’s called “Aquagen.” A Florida company is currently testing the new gas, which they make from mixing water and electricity. The process of mixing water with electricity is called electrolysis…The machine runs voltage throughout the water, creating gas. The gas is cooled in another compartment, then dried. Once it’s dried, you have a gas that is ready to burn. “

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