AgeSong Institute: A Charitable Fund For Our Elder Care and Educational Programs

AgeSong Institute is an eldercare program of Pacific Institute, a non-profit organization. AgeSong Institute is dedicated to changing the mainstream view of aging. Rather than viewing aging as something to be avoided, we see it as an important phenomenon of life. Aging provides humans with the opportunity to mature and become elders in the true sense of the word: people of wisdom, rich in life experience, able to help us humans and our planet become more aware.

Who We Are

AgeSong Institute is an educational organization that promotes awareness in the way we understand aging, growing old and the role of eldership. It does so through residential care, counseling education, publications, and research. We understand that a non-pathologizing, non-judgmental attitude towards people in need of help is as important for care to take place as is skill and expertise.

With the growing population of aging citizens and citizens with mental health concerns, the need for a more comprehensive, intelligent and loving approach to both eldercare and mental health is urgent today. Through teaching and practicing our philosophy of care we hope to make a contribution to a more accepting and aware people and planet.

Our Vision

For over a decade, AgeSong Institute has been caring for vulnerable and emotionally sensitive older adults who are often the most hidden and invisible people around us. Over the next 10 years, we will continue changing the paradigm for teaching and learning how to care for the elderly and people with chronic mental health issues from a humanistic, process-oriented perspective. Our innovative approach towards the delivery of care and services to our residents allows residents to be who they are and to be valued for their contributions.

Our Mission

Through deepening our awareness of the many dimensions and expressions of human nature, AgeSong Institute will continue to grow its elder care program and teach new perspectives in the field of Mental Health, Gerontology, and Education. We are committed to elevating society’s view of the caregiving profession. We teach new ways of giving care, of growing personally and professionally, of becoming more aware of how to live a meaningful life.


AgeSong Institute has developed daily enrichment and wellness programs for AgeSong communities that encourage residents’ well-being, creative expression, and strengthening of ties with family and friends. Activities are not meant merely to pass time, but ought to be enriching and rewarding experiences.

Our programs focus on three primary areas:

Community Enrichment – To help residents stay connected to the larger community, AgeSong Institute arranges trips to local theatres, libraries, and art galleries. We also welcome members of the community to engage with us – through our public events, educational workshops, and dining opportunities.

Expressive Arts and Art Therapy – For many elders, this stage of life provides the opportunity to enjoy being creative from painting to writing, performing arts, music and poetry sessions, and the myriad of ways we humans show this innate desire to express ourselves. AgeSong Institute weaves psychotherapy, emotional care, and life coaching into these experiences.

Spiritual Support – For many of us, deepening our spiritual life is vital to our well-being. AgeSong Institute supports residents, families, friends, and staff with meditation rooms, gardens, and other serene environments that are available for private reflection, celebrations, and other gatherings.

Pacific Institute

Pacific Institute is a nonprofit educational organization that promotes awareness in the way we understand aging, growing old and the role of eldership. It does so through residential care, counseling education, publications, and research. Pacific Institute seeks to help change the paradigm for teaching and learning how to care for the elderly through the programs and services it provides at its elder care communities – AgeSong at Hayes Valley and AgeSong at Laguna Grove – from a humanistic, process-oriented perspective.

Through its internship program and deepening its awareness of the many dimensions and expressions of human nature, Pacific Institute teaches new perspectives in the fields of mental health, gerontology, and education. For more information, please visit

AgeSong Institute

624 Laguna Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

phone: 415-861-3455



The Chi Center: Wisdom Healing Qigong Website™

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“Wisdom Healing Qigong was developed by Dr. Ming Pang, a Qigong Grandmaster trained in both western medicine and traditional chinese medicine. He synthesized his profound medical knowledge of the old and new healing sciences with the ancient Qigong practice. The result is an integrative system of self-healing and cultivation that is suited for the modern pragmatic world.” NEW ! Online Course with Mingtong Gu. Qigong Teachings, Guided Instruction & Practice, Starts Thursday, July 28!

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The Ghost Detectives’ Guide to Haunted San Francisco by Loyd Auerbach and Annette Martin

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“The fruit of Auerbach and Martin’s 15-year partnership as Bay Area ghost hunters, The Ghost Detectives’ Guide to Haunted San Francisco is a one-of-a-kind guidebook that shows the reader how to find publicly accessible haunted places that lie unsuspected in San Francisco’s most famous tourist destinations, including Alcatraz, Chinatown, the Presidio and more. This unique travel book invites readers to personally explore the Bay Area’s most haunted places … and maybe even have a ghostly encounter of their own…”

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Hudson River Estuarine Sanctuary at Piermont Pier & Marsh by the Rockland Audubon Society

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The Piermont Pier & Marshes are located just north of Tallman Mountain State Park and south of the Tappan Zee Bridge (from which Piermont Pier can be seen)… In 1982 NOAA’s Office of Coastal Zone Management formally designated Piermont Marsh as part of a Federal Hudson River Estuarine Sanctuary to be administered by NYSDEC in cooperation with PIPC.”

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Cancer Survivor Lights the Way to Happiness through Human Connection by Seth David Chernoff

| by Seth David Chernoff

“A two-time cancer survivor, Chernoff uses his own hard-won insight and life experiences to illuminate for his readers a pathway to full awareness of each moment as an act of love, compassion, joy and peace. He writes that transformation happens and paradigms shift in the now, when there is no dwelling on yesterday or fretting about tomorrow. He says, “The moment we get out of our heads and into our hearts, grace moves in. Living in the moment does not allow time for regret.”

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July 2011 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! This month includes reviews of books by Dan Millman & Asandra as well as the latest article by Jocelyn Graef and more! Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter! Also, take a look at the website of the month!

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Dying, Death and Afterlife by Jocelyn Graef: Part 8 in Great Awakening

| by Jocelyn Graef

“The death of the body is as dramatic and sometimes traumatic as the transition of birth. Both are transitions into a very different life expression, creating tremendous shifts in consciousness. The individual experience will be largely a result of the belief system of the individual and the conscious desire and readiness to engage in the process… Each one of you, without exception, is attended by spirit as you move through your transition. Even in those rare times when a death is not foreseen or scheduled, the spiritual group is, in the moment of transition, holding and welcoming the spirit...”

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Change Your Life, Change The World: A Spiritual Guide To Living Now by Ryuho Okawa

Master Okawa shows us how to work toward this spiritual goal– to undertake the journey to planetary harmony– through practices that are easy to understand and which can be integrated into our daily lives. On this journey, you will be assisting the spiritual mission that lies at the heart of all God’s creation.”

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Merlian News Podcast Interview with Michael Brown

| by Merlian News

In this Podcast interview, Michael Brown talks with Merryn Jose about his book, The Presence Process and the CD recording A Walk Through the Presence Process, as well as his life experiences, which include beating Horton’s Syndrome with present moment awareness. He discovered that his repeated entry into this enlivened state of Being, which he accomplished through ceremonial practice and conscious breathing, resulted in a decrease of his own painful condition to the point that it subsided completely.

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Soul Healing Powers Of Flower Essence Therapy by Triza Schultz

| by Triza Schultz

“Flower essence therapy has been one of the most vital treatment modalities within my healing and growth process for 20 years now. The power of this elegantly organic, yet simple therapy became even more apparent to me during the recovery process from Lyme disease. Every emotional, mental, spiritual, and certainly, physical trigger has been squeezed. This potent “energy medicine” from Nature herself will continue to be a regular part of whole health maintenance for life. That’s how significant my experience has been.”

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